Roblox Stella Hack

Roblox Stella Hack

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May 6th, 2018
Roblox stella hack

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Stella Roblox Hack

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Roblox Stella Hack
  1. local Players = game.Players
  2. local Player = Players['LocalPlayer']
  3. local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:wait()
  4. local HRP = Character['HumanoidRootPart']
  5. local Stat = workspace.Stats[Player.Name]
  6. local DE = game.ReplicatedStorage.DataEvent
  7. local UE = Player.PlayerGui.MainGUI.Scripts.Inventory.UpdateEvent
  8. local PP = workspace.PizzaPlanet
  9. local Stations = PP['BakerWorkstations']
  10. local Crates = PP['IngredientCrates']
  11. local Working, Stocking =true
  12. Stat.Job:GetPropertyChangedSignal('Value'):Connect(function()
  13. if Stat.Job.Value 'PizzaPlanetBaker'then Working =false
  14. else Working =trueend
  15. end)
  16. if Stat.Job.Value 'PizzaPlanetBaker'then Working =falseend
  17. local Orders ={
  18. Cheese ={true,true,true,false};
  19. Vegetable ={true,true,true,'Vegetable'};
  20. Ham ={true,true,true,'Ham'};
  21. Pepperoni ={true,true,true,'Pepperoni'}
  22. }
  23. local CrateTP =,13.5,258.54892)
  24. local Positions ={
  29. }
  30. local Part1 =coroutine.wrap(function()
  31. while wait()do
  32. for __, station innext,(Stations:GetChildren())do
  33. if Working thenbreakend
  34. local CT = station:FindFirstChild('CounterTop')
  35. if CT then CT.Parent =nilend
  36. station.InUse.Value = Player
  37. local Pos = Positions[__]
  38. Character.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Pos
  39. repeat wait()until(HRP.Position - Pos).magnitude <2or Working
  40. if Working thenbreakend
  41. local NI = station['OrderDisplay']['DisplayMain']:FindFirstChild('NoIngredients',true)
  42. if NI and NI.Visible andnot Working then
  43. Stocking =true
  44. local Pos = CrateTP
  45. Character.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Pos
  46. repeat wait()until(HRP.Position - Pos).magnitude <2.75or Working
  47. if Working thenbreakend
  48. local Crate = Crates.Crate;
  49. for __, cr innext,(Crates:GetChildren())do
  50. if(cr.Position - HRP.Position).magnitude <(Crate.Position - HRP.Position).magnitude then
  51. Crate = cr
  52. end
  53. end
  54. Crate.Parent = game.Lighting.TempFolder
  55. wait()
  56. DE:FireServer({
  57. Object = game.Lighting.TempFolder.Crate,
  58. Type ='TakeIngredientCrate'
  59. })
  60. Crate.Parent = Crates
  61. UE:Fire(Stat.EquippedItem)
  62. wait()
  63. end
  64. local Pos = Positions[__]
  65. Character.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Pos
  66. repeat wait()until(HRP.Position - Pos).magnitude <2or Working
  67. if Working thenbreakend
  68. if Stocking then
  69. DE:FireServer({
  70. Workstation = station,
  71. Type ='RestockIngredients'
  72. })
  73. end
  74. Stocking =false
  75. end
  76. for i =#Positions,1,-1do
  77. local station = Stations:GetChildren()[i]
  78. if Working thenbreakend
  79. local CT = station:FindFirstChild('CounterTop')
  80. if CT then CT.Parent =nilend
  81. station.InUse.Value = Player
  82. local Pos = Positions[i]
  83. Character.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Pos
  84. repeat wait()until(HRP.Position - Pos).magnitude <2or Working
  85. if Working thenbreakend
  86. local NI = station['OrderDisplay']['DisplayMain']:FindFirstChild('NoIngredients',true)
  87. if NI and NI.Visible andnot Working then
  88. Stocking =true
  89. local Pos = CrateTP
  90. Character.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Pos
  91. repeat wait()until(HRP.Position - Pos).magnitude <2.75or Working
  92. if Working thenbreakend
  93. local Crate = Crates.Crate;
  94. for __, cr innext,(Crates:GetChildren())do
  95. if(cr.Position - HRP.Position).magnitude <(Crate.Position - HRP.Position).magnitude then
  96. Crate = cr
  97. end
  98. end
  99. Crate.Parent = game.Lighting.TempFolder
  100. wait()
  101. DE:FireServer({
  102. Object = game.Lighting.TempFolder.Crate,
  103. Type ='TakeIngredientCrate'
  104. })
  105. Crate.Parent = Crates
  106. UE:Fire(Stat.EquippedItem)
  107. wait()
  108. end
  109. local Pos = Positions[i]
  110. Character.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Pos
  111. repeat wait()until(HRP.Position - Pos).magnitude <2or Working
  112. if Working thenbreakend
  113. if Stocking then
  114. DE:FireServer({
  115. Workstation = station,
  116. Type ='RestockIngredients'
  117. })
  118. end
  119. Stocking =false
  120. end
  121. end
  122. end)
  123. local Part2 =coroutine.wrap(function()
  124. while wait(1)do
  125. for __, station innext,(Stations:GetChildren())do
  126. if Working or Stocking thenbreakend
  127. local send = Orders[station.Order.Value]
  128. local count = station.Order.IngredientsLeft.Value
  129. DE:FireServer({
  130. Workstation = station,
  131. Type ='UseWorkstation'
  132. })
  133. if Working or Stocking thenbreakend
  134. if count >2then count = count -1end
  135. for i =1, count do
  136. DE:FireServer({
  137. Workstation = station,
  138. Type ='UseWorkstation'
  139. })
  140. end
  141. if Working or Stocking thenbreakend
  142. DE:FireServer({
  143. Order = send,
  144. Workstation = station,
  145. Type ='FinishOrder'
  146. })
  147. UE:Fire(Stat.Job.ShiftEarnings)
  148. end
  149. end
  150. end)
  151. Part1()
  152. Part2()

Roblox Stella Hack