Roblox Velocity Flight Simulator Controls

As a commerical pilot myself, ive looked hard into realistic flight profiles on Roblox, and put simply, its a ton of work to make it work correctly. There are a few options you have to achieve the desired outcome. Have one brick that holds Body forces in it and controls all movement and angles of the aircraft. Now is your chance. Velocity Flight Training has a Boeing 737-800 Next Generation fixed-based simulator that utilises a seamless blend of real and replica aircraft parts, as well as a 180 degree wrap around visual system to provide an unparalleled, immersive flight experience.

Roblox Velocity Flight Simulator Controls Free

Oct 20th, 2013

Roblox Velocity Flight Simulator Controls Roblox


Roblox Velocity Flight Simulator Controls Pc

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Roblox Velocity Flight Simulator Controls
  1. --Go to line 3 and 5 and put your name where it says 'YOUR NAME HERE'
  2. Evil={'YOUR NAME HERE'}
  3.'HopperBin',game.Players.YOUR NAME HERE.Backpack)
  4. bin.TextureId=''
  5. script.Parent=bin
  6. bin=script.Parent
  7. player=bin.Parent.Parent
  10. rot=CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  11. bin:remove()
  12. T=new('Sound')
  13. T.Pitch=.4
  14. right={},
  15. mains={}
  16. X=function(f)coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(f))end
  17. life=function(obj,time)debris:AddItem(obj,time)end
  18. fly=250
  19. for i,v in pairs(player.Character:children())do
  20. return v
  21. end
  22. wing=function()
  23. for i,v in pairs(torso.Parent:children())do
  24. v:remove()
  25. end
  26. mainwingpart.Name='WingMain'
  27. mainwingpart.Size=vnew(1,1,1)
  28. mainwingpart.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  29. weld=new('Weld',torso)
  30. weld.Part1=mainwingpart
  31. WingRight=new('WedgePart')
  32. WingRight.Size=vnew(.04,.3,.5)
  33. WingRight.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  34. Rmotor=new('Motor',mainwingpart)
  35. Rmotor.Part1=WingRight
  36. Rmotor.C1=rot(0,math.pi/1.5,0)+vnew(-.18,-.10,.8)
  37. dan=-2
  38. wait()
  39. pp=new('WedgePart')
  40. pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  41. if w1 then
  42. else
  43. end
  44. pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  45. pp.Material='Slate'
  46. if dan1 then
  47. asdlal=new('WedgePart')
  48. asdlal.formFactor=3
  49. for lawlz,Evil in pairs(Evil)do
  50. asdlal:remove()
  51. asdlal.formFactor=3
  52. asdlal.Size=vnew(.25,.8,15/w)
  53. end
  54. asdlal.CanCollide=false
  55. asdlal.Parent=pp
  56. mmm.Part0=pp
  57. mmm.C0=fnew(0,0,-asdlal.Size.z/2)
  58. if w1 then
  59. else
  60. end
  61. ppmotor.Part0=ppmotor.Parent
  62. if w1 then
  63. else
  64. ppmotor.C0=rot(-.1/(w/7),-.07,0)+vnew(0,pp.Size.y,0)
  65. nextpp=pp
  66. WingLeft=new('WedgePart')
  67. WingLeft.Size=vnew(.04,.3,.5)
  68. WingLeft.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  69. Lmotor=new('Motor',mainwingpart)
  70. Lmotor.Part1=WingLeft
  71. Lmotor.C1=rot(0,-math.pi/1.5,0)+vnew(0.18,-.10,.8)
  72. dan=-2
  73. wait()
  74. pp=new('WedgePart')
  75. pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  76. if w1 then
  77. else
  78. end
  79. pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  80. pp.Material='Slate'
  81. if dan1 then
  82. asdlal=new('WedgePart')
  83. asdlal.formFactor=3
  84. for lawlz,Evil in pairs(Evil)do
  85. asdlal:remove()
  86. asdlal.formFactor=3
  87. asdlal.Size=vnew(.25,.8,15/w)
  88. end
  89. asdlal.CanCollide=false
  90. asdlal.Parent=pp
  91. mmm.Part0=pp
  92. mmm.C0=fnew(0,0,-asdlal.Size.z/2)
  93. if w1 then
  94. else
  95. end
  96. table.insert(motors.left,ppmotor)
  97. if w1 then
  98. else
  99. ppmotor.C0=rot(-.1/(w/7),.07,0)+vnew(0,pp.Size.y,0)
  100. nextpp=pp
  101. X(function()
  102. v.C1=rot(.1,0,0)
  103. end
  104. v.C1=rot(0,-.1,-.1)
  105. end
  106. X(function()
  107. v.C1=rot(.1,0,0)
  108. end
  109. v.C1=rot(0,.1,.1)
  110. end
  111. X(function()
  112. v.C1=rot(.1,0,0)
  113. end
  114. v.C1=rot(0,-.1,0)
  115. end
  116. X(function()
  117. v.C1=rot(.1,0,0)
  118. end
  119. v.C1=rot(0,.1,0)
  120. end
  121. Rmotor.MaxVelocity=.1
  122. Lmotor.DesiredAngle=.8
  123. end
  124. X(function()
  125. newlarm.Name='Left Shoulder'
  126. newlarm.Part0=player.Character.Torso
  127. wait()--hmm
  128. newlarm.C1=fnew(.5,.5,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0,1,0,0)
  129. an=player.Character.Animate
  130. an.Disabled=false
  131. return newlarm
  132. Name=function()
  133. for LA=1,3 do
  134. end
  135. end
  136. for i,v in pairs(Evil)do
  137. wllwlw=true break
  138. end
  139. if asdTroll~=nil then return end
  140. rarm=rightarm(false)
  141. rarm.DesiredAngle=math.rad(110)
  142. larm.MaxVelocity=.2
  143. lball=new('Part')
  144. lball.Shape=0
  145. lball.CanCollide=false
  146. lball.TopSurface=0
  147. lball.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  148. if player.Namev then
  149. end
  150. lball.Parent=player.Character
  151. lweld.Part0=lweld.Parent
  152. lweld.C0=fnew(0,-4,0)
  153. life(rball,10)
  154. rball.Size=vnew(1,1,1)
  155. rball.CanCollide=false
  156. rball.TopSurface=0
  157. for i,v in pairs(Evil)do
  158. rball.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  159. end
  160. rweld=new('Weld',rarm.Part1)
  161. rweld.Part1=rball
  162. X(function()
  163. for KG=1,157 do wait()
  164. life(part,.2)
  165. asdrandom=(math.random(5,20)/10)+KG/40
  166. new('BlockMesh',part).Scale=vnew(asdrandom,asdrandom,asdrandom)
  167. part.Anchored=true
  168. part.CFrame=rot(math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)))+lball.Position
  169. part.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  170. if player.Namev then
  171. end
  172. part.Parent=lball
  173. end)
  174. part=new('Part')
  175. part.Transparency=.3
  176. new('BlockMesh',part).Scale=vnew(asdrandom,asdrandom,asdrandom)
  177. part.Anchored=true
  178. part.CFrame=rot(math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)))+rball.Position
  179. part.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  180. if player.Namev then
  181. end
  182. part.Parent=rball
  183. rball:remove()
  184. rightarm(true)
  185. asdTroll=nil
  186. if pp~=nil then pp:remove()end
  187. pos=m.Hit.p
  188. life(pp,.1)
  189. pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  190. pp.Size=vnew(6,1000,6)
  192. exp.Position=pos+vnew(math.random(-3,3),0,math.random(-3,3))
  193. exp.Parent=workspace
  194. Join.formFactor=0
  195. new('SpecialMesh',Join).Mesh'Sphere'
  196. Join.Anchored=true
  197. Join.TopSurface=0
  198. Join.Transparency=.5
  199. Join.CFrame=rot(0,math.rad(3.6*wasd)*2,0)+pos+vnew(math.random(-3,3),0,math.random(-3,3))
  200. pJoin=new('Part')
  201. new('BlockMesh',pJoin).Scale=vnew(10,10,10)+vnew((wasd/30),(wasd/30),(wasd/30))
  202. pJoin.Size=vnew(1,1,1)
  203. pJoin.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  204. pJoin.CFrame=rot(math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)))+pos+vnew(math.random(-3,3),0,math.random(-3,3))
  205. pp.Parent=player.Character
  206. pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  207. end)
  208. end
  209. if pcall(function()
  210. newrarm.Name='Right Shoulder'
  211. newrarm.Part0=player.Character.Torso
  212. newrarm.C0=fnew(1,.5,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,-1,0,0)
  213. if boolfalse then return newlarm end
  214. an=player.Character.Animate
  215. an.Disabled=false
  216. end)then
  217. end
  218. light=function()
  219. if pcall(function()torso=player.Character.Torso end)then
  220. return
  221. larm=leftarm(false)
  222. life(tt,0)
  223. tt:play()
  224. life(Pl,20)
  225. Pl.Anchored=true
  226. Pl.Parent=workspace
  227. end
  228. for i,v in pairs(torso:children())do
  229. v:remove()
  230. end
  231. bv=new('BodyVelocity')
  232. bv.maxForce=vnew(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
  233. bg.maxTorque=vnew(0,0,0)
  234. bv.Parent=torso
  235. ball=function(asd)
  236. if v.Name'Fly Ball'then
  237. end
  238. if asdtrue then return end
  239. part.Shape=0
  240. part.TopSurface=0
  241. part.Transparency=.5
  242. part.CanCollide=false
  243. part.Name='Fly Ball'
  244. weld=new('Weld')
  245. weld.Part0=weld.Parent
  246. part.Touched:connect(function()
  247. wait()
  248. end
  249. end)
  250. script.Parent.Selected:connect(function(m)
  251. bodys(true)
  252. if k'q'then
  253. if fly<0 then
  254. end
  255. wing()
  256. Lazer(m)
  257. X(function()player.Character.WingMain:remove()end)
  258. fly=fly+10
  259. MUp=false
  260. elseif k'p'then
  261. elseif k'b'then
  262. elseif k'x'then
  263. if m.Targetworkspace or m.Targetnil then return end
  264. game:service('Debris'):AddItem(ko,1)
  265. ko.Name='creator'
  266. if v:IsA('Humanoid')then
  267. v.Torso:BreakJoints()
  268. for asd=1,100 do
  269. part=new('WedgePart')
  270. part.formFactor=0
  271. part.Anchored=true
  272. part.CFrame=rot(math.rad(math.random(1,180)),math.rad(math.random(1,180)),math.rad(math.random(1,180)))+v.Torso.Position
  273. part.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
  274. new('BlockMesh',part).Scale=vnew(random,random,random)
  275. end
  276. end
  277. end)
  278. end)
  279. ball(true)
  280. MUp=false
  281. leftarm(false)
  282. bg.cframe=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p)*rot(math.rad(-60),0,0)
  283. bv.velocity=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p).lookVector*fly
  284. m.Move:connect(function()
  285. torso=player.Character.Torso
  286. bg.maxTorque=vnew(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
  287. bg.cframe=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p)*rot(math.rad(-60),0,0)
  288. bv.velocity=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p).lookVector*fly
  289. end)
  290. MUp=true
  291. bodys(false)
  292. leftarm(true)
  293. delay(2,function()if MUptrue then bodys(true)end end)
  294. torso.RotVelocity=vnew(0,0,0)
  295. torso.CFrame=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p)*rot(0,0,0)
  296. torso.RotVelocity=vnew(0,0,0)
  297. end)
  298. X(function()
  299. bodys(true)
  300. torso.RotVelocity=vnew(0,0,0)
  301. end)
  302. local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild('Humanoid')
  303. h.Health = 0
  304. end
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Roblox velocity flight simulator controls freeRoblox Velocity Flight Simulator Controls

Roblox Velocity Flight Simulator Controls Youtube

Feb 12th, 2019
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  1. Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  2. ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
  3. RemoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Flying')
  4. RemoteEvent2 = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('FlyingOff')
  5. game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
  6. if input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.F and Debounce 1then-- if Player press F and Debounce = 1
  7. RemoteEvent:FireServer()-- Fire remote
  8. for i =1,math.huge do-- Loop for Player's humanoid root part follows mouse
  9. if Debounce 2then-- if debounce = 2 then follow mouse
  10. Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =,Mouse.Hit.p)
  11. break
  12. end
  13. end)
  14. game:GetService('UserInputService').InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
  15. if input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.F and Debounce 2then-- if Player release F and Debounce 2
  16. script.Disabled =true-- script disabled (Debounce = 1)
  17. RemoteEvent2:FireServer()-- fire second remote
  18. script.Disabled =false-- script enabled
  19. end)
  20. (Remote event script)
  21. ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
  22. RemoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Flying')
  23. RemoteEvent2 = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('FlyingOff')
  24. RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player)
  25. Vel ='BodyVelocity', Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart)-- Create new velicoty inside humanoid root part
  26. Vel.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  27. if Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild('FlyVelocity')~=nilthen-- if velocity exists
  28. Vel.Velocity = Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector*100
  29. break
  30. end
  31. end
  32. end)
  33. RemoteEvent2.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player)
  34. end)